6 Yoga Asanas To Do Everyday To Build A Stronger, Healthier Body

6 Yoga Asanas To Do Everyday To Build A Stronger, Healthier Body

Doing these 6 yoga asanas everyday can have major health benefits.

                                         6 Yoga Asanas To Do Everyday To Build A Stronger, Healthier Body
                                                        Yoga is good for both the mind and body.
Yoga, when practised regularly and in the right manner, can do wonders for your mind and body. While it may not be possible to dedicate a good chunk of your time to yoga or any other form of exercise daily, there are a few asanasthat you can do everyday that will benefit your overall health immensely. Doing these 6 asanas will take no longer than 15 minutes a day and the change you will feel will be almost immediate.
1. Chakrasana

- It works on strengthening and improving liver and kidney functions.

- Strengthens arms, shoulders, wrists and legs.

- Expands chest and lungs and is known to be beneficial in curing asthma.

2. Sarvangasana

- Helps improve blood circulatory system, respiratory system and digestive system.

- Invigorates the thyroid gland.

- Rectifies disorders in ears, nose and throat.

3. Bhujangasana

- Works on strengthening the spine.

- Stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen.

- Helps relieve stress and fatigue.

4. Adho mukha svanasana

- Lengthens the spine and strengthens the muscles of the chest, therefore, increasing lung capacity.

- Increases blood circulation to the brain.

- Helps relieve headache, insomnia and fatigue.

5. Ushtrasana

- Helps improve and cure digestion issues.

- Strengthens the back and shoulders.

- Relieves the body of lower back ache.

- Helps overcome menstrual discomfort.

6. Dhanurasana

- Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

- Stimulates the reproductive organs.

- Helps tone leg and arm muscles.
